The Human Cabinet follows human-centred, alternative and creative thinking approaches in designing sustainable solutions to respond to the unpredictable, volatile, nature of humantiarian and development contexts. Looking to serve our clients around the clock of their project cycles, we perform meaningful research and invest in our sector-specific expertise to feed into their strategic, operational, programmatic, and technical decision-making streams. We design and define, through words and visuals, clear pictures and roadmaps for clients to best serve communities and their environments.

Covering the below sectors, we deliver:

Contract acquisitions and partnerships

Proposal engineering

We craft compelling funding proposals that meet donor specifications while intelligently incorporating community priorities. Our expertise spans environmental, humanitarian, and development sectors, ensuring our partners' projects stand-out.

Strategic innovations and transformation maps

Our strategic services help you navigate complex challenges with robust theories of change and innovative strategies. We pave the way for transformative impacts, guiding your organization from vision to tangible outcomes.

Grant acquisition and management

We assist in identifying potential funding sources, managing grant applications, and ensuring compliance with funding requirements, enhancing your capacity to secure and manage essential resources.

Partnership cultivation

Through a robust global network, our experts help you build and maintain strategic partnerships that amplify your reach and effectiveness. We facilitate collaborations across sectors to leverage collective strengths.

Technical assistance

The Human Cabinet provides technical assistance to governments, international NGOs and 

agencies, and local actors. Spanning across several sectors, we’ve invested our expertise in improving the living conditions and well-being of communities across the globe. Our experts understand the complex nature of humanitarian and development aid and accordingly provide impactful, realistic solutions. The Human Cabinet has helped over 50 organisations to enhance the effectiveness of their systems, refine their data and information systems, and/or improve sector-specific practices/policies through evidenced guidance and capacity building. 


  • The Human Cabinet’s Water Sanitation and Hygiene expertise comes from long years in the innovative design, planning, and implementation of projects and initiatives around the five continents. Since 2014, we continue to support leading INGOs and governments in mitigating and responding to public health risks through effective infrastructure planning and social behavior change activities. The Cabinet’s flagship intervention is System Behavior Change in WASH, where its experts have conducted socio-anthropological research and creative communication, information, and learning campaigns which enable effective, community-driven change in water and sanitation perceptions and practices. 

Some of our previous interventions include:

  • Systemic behavior change in WASH capacity building – NCA, Lebanon and Syria, 2019.
  • Capacity building of WASH cluster partners in Iraq on Market Based Programming, 2021.
  • Successful proposal development experiences in Lebanon, Spain, Iraq, Bangladesh, Ecuador, Cameroon, Ethiopia, India, Philippines, Palestine, and Syria; references available upon request.


Protection and human rights are at the core of humanitarian and development work. Through our 20 years of practice in General Protection, Child Protection, and Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS), we support organizations and public actors in devising effective strategies for social protection programming, and the protection of affected people during natural disasters and man-made conflicts. Our expertise allows us to design projects which improve communities’ self-protection and agency. We translate humanitarian protection and human rights principles into tangible actions and projects, putting children, women and people with disabilities at the heart of our work. Our flagship protection interventions are Child Protection projects within MHPSS; In the domain of protection and MHPSS, The Cabinet’s experts have produced and contributed to methodologies, guidelines, SOPs, ToTs, research and policies, like:
RIDE ON, MHPSS and Child Protection, Tdh Foundation, Lausanne Switzerland, 2020.
Providing recommendations on structures, SOPs, and tools for Global Communities’ North-West Syria child protection teams, 2021.
Revising the safeguarding policy and SOPs of Nusroto Organization, Lebanon, 2017.

Education (in Emergencies)

The Cabinet’s work in education ranges from education in emergencies (EiE) programme design, review, evaluation, and technical support on implementation. Having gathered experiences in the sector since 2005, including non-formal and formal education, accelerated learning programs, social emotional learning, and psychosocial support our team of experts has designed education solutions for volatile contexts such as Iraq, Syria, Bangladesh, South Sudan and Uganda, and other disaster-affected communities. The innovative community-based, context-smart approaches put together by the Cabinet have helped students continue their education despite their hostile environments, and throughout lockdowns and conflicts. Moreover, the Cabinet’s specialists have supported partners to secure large-scale funding through providing support from project design to organizational development and the preparation of strong negotiation cases.

Disaster Risk Management

Part of the humanitarian system – as members of INGOs, and as third-party consultants, our team members have participated in disaster preparedness, planning, responses, and recovery operations. From Bangladesh, to Syria, Lebanon, Philippines, Ethiopia, Malawi, and Latin America, we have written proposals on behalf of leading organizations, reviewed and evaluated programs and systems – Early Warning, Early Action, Risk Monitoring, Anticipatory action, Community-based systems/monitoring. The majority of our experts are experienced first responders and were present on the ground to lead teams responding to man-made and natural shocks in Iraq and Syria 2011, 2015-2016, Ecuador 2016, Bangladesh 2017, Mozambique 2019, Lebanon 2021, Iraq 2020-2021 (COVID-19). 

  • Support on the design of Audio/Visual Early Warning Systems for communicating with communities during the Disaster Preparedness and Planning for Cyclone Fani, IFRC and National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Bangladesh, 2018.
  • Project design and proposal writing for a Disaster Preparedness consortium-led action in Lilongwe – Malawi, COOPI, 2021-2022.
  • Review of BRCiS community-based Early Warning Early Action (EWEA) system, Oxfam consults, 2024.

Sport for Development (S4D)

  • Since 2017, two of The Cabinet’s senior staff supported Tdh, the Olympic Refuge Committee and UEFA on multiple projects bringing protection and safeguarding to the heart of professional and recreational sport. In addition to publications addressing psychosocial support and protection through and in sport, our team members’ articles have been featured in leading international S4D platforms like sportanddev and UEFA Safeguarding and official website.
    • The Football for Protection methodology and Curriculum, Tdh Foundation, Lausanne Switzerland
    • Football for the prevention of violence and reintegration (F4PVR) of children and youth in conflict or contact with the law 
    • Contributing to the UEFA safeguarding platform through the revision of learning modules and knowledge management.

Training and coaching

Through tailored training workshops and coaching sessions, we enhance key competencies in leadership, project management, and sector-specific skills which have proven to be essential for teams across several contexts. Our approaches are based on experiential, hands-on, playful learning, integrating cutting-edge technology with role play, games, and challenging activities

Insightful learning through monitoring and evaluation

Advanced analytical assessments

Our monitoring and evaluation frameworks employ cutting-edge methodologies and technologies to meticulously gather and analyse data, providing clear insights into program effectiveness and impact, generating relevant, realistic recommendations.

Strategic feedback Iintegration

We prioritize stakeholder feedback, using it as a cornerstone for continuous improvement and adaptive management, ensuring programs remain effective and accountable.

Humanitarian information systems architecture and big data

Monitoring and Evaluation systems development/refinement

We support partners to enhance their programmatic and organisational learning practices through the use of simple, accurate evidence gathering approaches, customised to their sectors and contexts.

Database architecture

Using cutting-edge computing and AI technologies, we can assist you in optimizing your organization's intelligence through safe, reliable approaches.

Big data processing and analysis

On several instances, we have supported partners to process their databases in order to enhance the analysis. From simple databases to data lakes, it takes us clicks to extract stories from your data.